Friday, September 01, 2006

Desiring God Revamped

One of my favorite sites,, has just been redesigned and reorganized. I'm pretty happy with the results.

Exploring the site led me to an article exhorting believers to minister to their pastors. Absolutely right!

Ever since I started thinking about full-time ministry, I've begun to see pastors and church leaders in a different light. I've realized that they are just like me, imperfect, weak, wrestling with temptations and fears and not always winning... they may have an M.Div or a doctorate in theology, but they too struggle with the mismatch between head knowledge and their experiences & feelings. Though looked on as spiritual giants, they are just as helpless, incapable of saving themselves and completely dependent on God's grace as we are. That's one reason why they should be prayed for. They need encouragement, support and prayers as much as (if not more than) the next person.

But I'm full of it aren't I? After reading a book called Partners in Prayer a number of years ago, I courageously went up to one pastor and told him that I wanted to pray for him. I just said that but I was never brave enough to approach him ever again. I occasionally remembered him in my prayers, but not quite often enough. I was always too concerned about myself to pray for others. (I was? or I am?) Disobedient and forgetful little brat that I am, I am grateful for God's patient and gentle reminders, which tell me that He is not willing to give up on me... not yet, not ever.

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