Monday, October 30, 2006

going to Church

I've been getting this question a lot lately - Why should Christians go to church? While my mind is brimming with answers, I find that my facts are disorganized and in some ways incomplete. This is okay with me since I am already fully convinced of the merits of "churchgoing", but for people who have questions about the matter, my messy explanations won't do, so I am setting out to investigate and write something biblical about the issue. I'm giving myself a month to come up with a short article that will help me satisfactorily answer queries like this from dubious, confused, skeptic or stubborn Christians, whichever might be the case. I am also committing myself to memorize references for all relevant Scripture. I've always wanted to do this; it's about time I started!

I'm writing this commitment down to keep myself accountable. God help me!

If anyone can recommend good reading material for this topic, let me know. =)


Sean Ransom said...

I always like to point out to people that God has made believers dependent on each other. He has given us all different gifts for the purpose of building each other up (the church). How can we do that if we are lone ranger Christians. It's funny when you think about it, if God wants to love and be with His people, why wouldn't all Christians want to be where God wants to be.

Hebrews 10:25 says, "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

We really do need each other and that is the way God intended it. We can actually see God more through His working in and through His children.

Wielding the Sword said...

A focus on small groups:

This one goes a little into membership, but still applicable:,,PTID314526|CHID598016|CIID1856928,00.html

More later if I find some :)

Donna Chua said...

Thanks to you both. =)

Wielding the Sword said...

Hey Donna, how do you post music to your blog?

Donna Chua said...

Hi Carly!

I start by uploading songs to Multiply then copying the link to the song/playlist.

Then I use the HTML code found here -

This site contains similar code & looks simpler but I haven't tried it -

Hope that helps! :-)

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