Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Why God wills WORK

I have got to read this. Regularly.

"If we can discover how God conceives of work and why he wills it, then that huge portion of our lives that may seem so separate from religion and faith can be just as God-focused as our more religious acts."
There are four other articles by John Piper related to this one:

On every page... (story from Dr. Jerry Root)

I remember when I was in seminary, the dean of our seminary came to school this one day...

He pulled up at the seminary and he was walking with a bounce to his step. And I said,

"Dr. --- , you look particularly pleased with yourself today!"

He said, "I am, Jerry!"

He said, "I finished my Bible, today, devotionally, for the 200th time."

I said, "Wow.

Then he corrected himself, "I don't count the number of times I've read it in Greek and Hebrew, I mean the times I've read it devotionally."

I said, "Well sir, you've sailed your ship a little further on this sea than I've sailed mine. Are you still finding anything new in it?

He said, "On every page... on every page."

- Encoded from "C.S. Lewis' Approach to Apologetics" by Dr. Jerry Root.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

C.S. Lewis' Approach to Apologetics

"One encounters a self-effacing humility and honesty in his writing; he is not at all condescending in his apologetic work. Brilliant as he was, his arguments do not set him apart from his audience, but place him on the same road with his listeners as a fellow pilgrim. Furthermore, Lewis was a master at the use of the imagination; he was able to develop images and metaphors in order to help his audience grasp difficult concepts. He used analogies as an artist uses his brush. Lewis had a first rate mind and a poet’s power of expression."

Read the outline or listen to this lecture by Dr. Jerry Root at

Who stands for us?

I like this article I found about John Stott in the New York Times (from way back in 2004). What a breath of fresh air!

Thank you, David Brooks, for pointing out the unfair representation we often get.

"This is why so many people are so misinformed about evangelical Christians. There is a world of difference between real-life people of faith and the made-for-TV, Elmer Gantry-style blowhards who are selected to represent them. Falwell and Pat Robertson are held up as spokesmen for evangelicals, which is ridiculous. Meanwhile people like John Stott, who are actually important, get ignored."

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Atlas Shrugged Fifty Years Later

John Piper read Ayn Rand. In fact, he says he went on an "Ayn Rand craze" back in the seventies, and even sent her an essay (critique) 3 years before her death. Rand is still so popular that I hadn't realized she lived nearly a century before me.

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