Friday, April 06, 2007

Suddenly Hopeful

(play this one LOUD and get ready to dance)

" The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.

There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard."

- Psalm 19: 1-3 (NIV)

I was listening to a bunch of Christian songs and "Starspin" by Downhere suddenly got me filled with hope and so much joy I had to "dance like no one's around" (The way I was made - Chris Tomlin).

Most of the time, I feel very frustrated about how far a lot of people are from God. It's a form of pride, I think, I don't trust God enough to save people who are stubborn and apathetic and presumptuous, and I think He left me too much work to do in sharing the Gospel. It's the silliest thought, really, and I'm ashamed to admit it crosses my mind. I mean, God saved me. I'm the epitome of all that is evil and stupid in the world, and He saved me. How can He not save everybody else?

Even if I keep quiet (or am FORCED to keep quiet), all of nature shall testify concerning the greatness of the Lord. I join in their glad refrain,
"People, people! Surely the Lord lives!
People, people! Heaven and earth are His!
People, people! Lift your souls in wonder!"
What a small voice I am, yet I am not God's only instrument. Far from it! There really is "no language on earth where His praises are not heard". The sky, the trees, the wind, the birds, the rocks, the flowers, the sea, the stars - they are messengers and worshipers that no one can hide. Surely, the Lord has not given His people up for lost. Surely, He speaks to them and calls out to them everyday. Thanks be to God!

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