Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ann Coulter on faith, God and Liberals

Forgive me for washing my hands of this, I really am ignorant when it comes to politics, but I found this hilarious and not without some pretty good insights. Check out the entire interview here.

a few quotes:

You title your book "Godless." Are all liberals atheists?

No, but it increases the odds.

When you say that most liberals don't believe in God, what is your evidence? According to a Fox News poll last year, 92 percent of Americans believe in God. And nearly half of Americans voted Democratic in the 2004 election. So doesn't that suggest that most liberals do believe in God?

First let me say that I think it's terrific to hear a journalist citing a Fox News poll as authoritative evidence and would like to encourage this development. I don't say “most liberals don't believe in God”; I say liberalism is a godless religion. Some liberals don't understand the underlying religious dogma and principles of liberalism--if they did, they would flee the building.

You say: "The core of environmentalism is that they hate mankind." But in February the National Association of Evangelicals, including such signers as Ted Haggard, James Dobson, and Chuck Colson, etc., issued a statement urging Christian stewardship of the environment, "creation care," and so forth. Are these people godless liberals who hate mankind?

Of course not--but I'm beginning to suspect you are. As Dobson and Colson say: God asks us to be good stewards--a statement that presupposes we are stewards of the plants and the animals, they are not stewards of us, as liberals prefer. We are commanded to worship the Creator of the environment, not the environment. As Jesus said, we are of "more value than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:21).

You say you're a Christian. Do you think Jesus would want you to be nicer to your political opponents?

Who knows? Maybe He'll say I was too tough or maybe He'll chastise me for not being tough enough on those who hate Him. Ask the money-changers in the temple how “nice” Jesus was. Maybe He'll say I needed more jokes or fewer adjectives. I'll just apologize for not getting it right and thank him for dying for my sins.


Sean Ransom said...

Hi Donna. This is Sean Ransom. You commented on a blog I posted on the TMS alumi blog site. I enjoyed checking out your blog. I see that you are found of my favorite author John Piper. If you get a chance check out my blog www.seanransom.blogspot.com to learn more about me. I'm a missionary here in the Manila area. Email me some time if you don't mind (sean@ransomreport.com). I'd like to learn more about you. You sound pretty impressive and wise for a 21 year old. I am 37 and I have been blessed with an inteligent wife and 5 children, but most of the people I meet here don't seem to think or speak on your level. I was encouraged to read your words. Blessings

Daniel Jeriah said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog. I am a fan of Ann Coulter's style and wit. I also liked your July 28th entry, nifty song. You should check my blog out phoenixunbound.blogspot.com if you ever need some light reading. ;)

Grace and Mercy!

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