Sunday, June 25, 2006

Reading List - as of June 25, 2006

For first-timers to this blog (also for my forgetful self), this entry contains information about the books I am reading/have read/will read. It will act as a sort of guide to most of the contents of this site and will constantly be updated for your convenience (or mine, actually). If you're familiar with hyperlinks, the concept behind this is a lot like that. One page leads you to another page, that page leads you to yet another one and so on, and some pages lead you back to one another. Confusing? It has to be obvious by now that I'm a freak when it comes to organizing things... so why is your room such an eyesore?, my mom or sister might ask... Consider it a work in progress my beloved in the Lord! Same thing with this site. I might tweak and change a few things as I go along, so please be patient and if you have any suggestions, questions, comments, what-have-you's about anything (in this site or in this world), feel free to leave me a message. I'm not doing much else so I'd be pleased to entertain you. (I hope I won't have to take this back in the future ;-P) Anyway, thanks for visiting and may God make Himself known to you today.

Reading List:

  1. Christian Doctrine - Basic Christianity (John Stott) -- an introduction
  2. A Hunger for God (John Piper)
  3. Book of Deuteronomy (currently at Chapter 16)
  4. The Holy Bible (in a year!)

(Priority) Waiting List:

  1. Inside the mind of unchurched harry and mary (Lee Strobel)
  2. Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (John Piper)
  3. Fiction Novel - JESUS A Novel (Walter Wangerin)


  1. Christian Living - The Life God blesses (Jim Cymbala) --summary (still!) in progress
  2. Devotional - Pierced by the word (John Piper)


Bart van der Meijden said...

Hi, nice that you are reading good books as the Bible too. What does the Bible speak to you?

Donna Chua said...

Well, the Bible speaks to me about everything... the purpose of my life in Christ, who God is and why it matters, God's will for me, God's love, God's beauty and majesty... one of the most important things the Bible teaches me is about who I am, overall and in a particular place and time. As my blog's theme verse (Hebrews 4:12) says, the Word of God is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart - mine and yours, anytime, anywhere. When my heart is not right with God, when my motives are impure, when my ambitions are selfish, when my faith is too little, no matter how I deny or hide it, God's word always tells me point-blank what is really inside me, and reminds me how to overcome (through the Spirit of God, who lives in all who believe Jesus! - Romans 8) all the things which hinder me from experiencing the reality of God's love. James 1:23-24 rightly compares God's word to a mirror - a mirror that shows us the truth about our condition, our depravity, our selves... a mirror that doesn't just leave us at that, but shows us the pathway to life as well. I love reading the Word of God because I believe that God will speak to me directly and honor my devotion to Him each and every time I come to His throne of grace. Anyway, thanks for dropping by Bart, I hope you come to visit often. Drop me a note anytime.

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