Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Triumphant Tired

Christian, are your bones tired and your limbs limp? Has the day's labor drained your spirit and stolen dear night's promised rest? If your eyes are aching to close and if your every muscle is sore, if every fiber of your being yearns for sleep or rest while failing to grasp it... then join me in rejoicing, for rest you shall have, and much more than that.

"Come to Me all you who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."

It is really very simple, this reason for rejoicing - we who walk by faith and not by sight are able to hold on to a hope that though we groan and moan and cry in these tired mortal bodies of ours -these "tents"- we are guaranteed "eternal" "buildings" in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5 NLT) Your present sufferings will only enable you to enjoy without bounds that which has already been prepared for you, guaranteed for you by the Holy Spirit. For if you never knew what it was like to be dead-tired, you would not hold sleep, rest and relaxation in such high esteem. But since you suffer and grow weary in this life, you come to understand that this promise of Christ is precious beyond measure.

Perhaps this thought is not something that will make you strong immediately... In this world, we still have to endure the pains of childbirth. Yet as your burdens become too heavy to bear, and as your longing for God's eternal kingdom and the fulfillment of His promises increase exponentially, partake also of the joys and blessings of your hope, ponder deep on it - that your sufferings will, with utmost certainty, come to an end, and everlasting, uninterrupted happiness will soon begin. We get slurps and gulps and tastes of this even in the land of the living, as we hope and pray and wait... the pleasant aroma of God's coming promises will renew "the youth (who) grow tired and weary". So then rest in His promises, frail Christian, rest.

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